We know what’s the deal with the pandemic domino effects on the sports world. There are tons of sport schedules that are changed, postponed, and even cancelled. Obviously, these are not good news since you won’t be able to watch the usual spectacle from your part.

Amongst this jeopardy, the 2020 Tour de France comes as one of the sport events that experience the same fate. Back then in the early 2020, we already knew what the officials provided to us so that we could watch the whole thing without any hassle or fuss. But the pandemic changed it.
There are first impressions to share regarding the changes.
While the 2020 Tour De France is postponed, A.S.O. planned to reveal the new schedule by the end of this month. So, we will not hear anything from officials until the 30th of June.
The officials have confirmed that the official new dates will be available on June 30th.
While some parties are still struggling with the women’s Tour de France, ASO is looking for reviving the women’s Tour de France.
Our trustworthy sources have confirmed the information. Tour de France organizer also mentioned their interests in reviving the women’s version of the Tour de France.
Back then, the first women’s Tour took place in 1955 and organized by Paris-Nice director Jean Leulliot. But the peak popularity of the Women ‘s version of Tour de France was from 1984 to 1989. At that time windows, the event was held in the same season as the men’s race. The women’s version would finish earlier in the day of the event. From 1990, the officials transformed it into the CEE Tour. But the project was not up for running in 1993.
Since then, there were no exact events to note except the Cycliste Feminin which took place from 1992 until 1997, the Grande Boucle Feminine Internationale from 1998 to its last show in 2009. Since 2009, we have never enjoyed the women’s cycling competitions. There are huge waves of the demands from the diehard fans of cycling sport that the organizers must pay more attention to the women’s championship as well.
ASO had actually made the soft launch when holding the LA Course by Tour de France in 2014. But it was not a full course event. Now they are interested in conducting the full stage race. Of course, it is also good news for you if you’re rooting for the female version of the Tour de France.